Every one of us has SOMETHING!
A great idea. Insight. Skill.
Talent. Innovation.
Despite this well-known fact,
very few of (us) if not any take courage to share our ideas (with) someone
else-fearing that upon doing so, we would have sold out our only piece of
treasure. I will not pinpoint my finger at anyone. Besides who am I to do that?
I guess that’s terribly how ‘fear’ plays its ploys.
Leave your ego behind.
Learn the right knowledge
Be ready to listen.
Work smart, not hard.
Sometimes, your opinion will
count for little or for nothing at all.
Be yourself and know this today
that you are on your own.
Share your insights. After all, a candle loses
nothing by lighting up another, right?
I started hearing all that when
I was eighteen and every piece of it revolutionized my thinking.
Leave your ego behind. Don’t try to act too smart all
the time, lest you would have missed an opportunity to grow. Most often, we are
tempted to feel cleaver. And when we do, we get to see things the way we want
to see them and not the way that they really are. What a terrible attitude that
needs to be dealt with, prematurely! Being not only a full-time student but
also a part-time investor, I have learnt to be humble, accept that the market
is all powerful, and I don’t feel bad when it makes me look stupid…knowing for
sure that it does this to even the world’s best traders. So, bottom line, let
us be humble and see ourselves grow into someone greater.
Learn the right knowledge. Of course, knowledge is merely
potential power. And only definite, accurate and centralized knowledge is power
that can get you to climb great heights. Try keeping it simple. Life is that is
easy. It is a learning adventure. It first starts with paddling a canoe prior
to being promoted to having a ‘feel’ of the real ship. Acquire basics first and
get to build on them. Don’t complicate life, because if we do, it sure does get
infuriated as well. So, in a nutshell, we have got to learn smart.
Be ready to listen. Self-approval addiction sure
can affect not only your attitude but also your hearing ability. Most often, we
care more about our voices be heard ‘loud’ and ‘clear’ yet we deny the very
opportunity to others who have asked (us) to listen from them. Know this today,
sometimes our opinion will count for little or for nothing at all. And when
that happens, we neither have to feel stupid nor feel embarrassed. This is
because it not always that we’re going to be right all the time. And that we’ll
always hit the jackpot. Of course, not!
Work smart, not hard. Here, let me share something with you (that is) the common mistake that
forex traders make just in case you get interested in forex trading someday.
Many forex traders work hard. They think that the more effort they put in, the
more that they will get out in terms of profit.
This may well be true in many
areas of life, but not in forex trading. You get your reward for being correct
right about market direction, nothing else!
We have to know exactly where,
when and how much effort is needed. Otherwise, if we tend to do the
opposite, our efforts applied would have been in vain. Let us be ourselves and
know this today that we are on your own. Take responsibility and accept the
fact that you and just you alone is your ship Captain!
If we have the desire to
succeed that bad enough, then there is no reason why we can’t become successful
in our pursuits.
In a nutshell, I challenge
every one of (us) to think positive. Most importantly to forgo our egos, and
keep learning right knowledge. As though this is not enough, we should be ready
to listen and learn and to diligently work smart and not hard. And knowing the
fact that there will come a time when our voices, comments and opinions will
count for nothing and then we would have known exactly just how to welcome the
Lastly but not the least, when
an opportunity presents itself, get to share your story, idea, skill,
innovation….to someone else, do it with PRIDE because we never know who might
be holding that last piece awaiting to complete that puzzle of yours that for
so long has been wondering where its master is.
Goodbye for now & see you
next time.