Thursday, 2 April 2015

9 Habits of Time Management Skills

There’s an amazing adage that says, “Time is money”. Benjamin Franklin used it on those young tradesmen years back. It’s such a useful statement to quote to time stealers. Time is a valuable asset that is given to mankind, freely. Most of us if not all, know about this. But very few of us take keen interest in exploring the beauty of it.

“Isn’t it shocking, how something that fetches a ‘free’ price could possibly be crowned the most valuable asset on planet earth? We all want to live a long life, don’t we? Keep that answer as your secret.” One blog once wrote that.

The fact is, at one point or the other we all cry about having not enough time to do what we want. Time sure is scarce as there is only one ultimate existing source. And if we don’t account for it wisely, we’ll pay a cost- not having enough time to so what we really want. So, take pride in it, will you!

In this blog I wish to share with you some essential habits, results-tailored, which can if mastered transform your productivity. Take a notepad with you.

Habit #1: Know your priorities 
Prioritize your tasks to focus on those that are most important. It is TIME for all of us to reorder your priorities. Unfortunately, sometimes those things that should come first in our list of priorities come last.  Get started, now!

Habit #2: Delegate Tasks
Someone once said that, delegation is not shunning away from your responsibilities instead, it is an important function of management. It is often common for all of us to take more tasks than we can handle. As a result, this often conceives stress and burnout within us. Have a heart of delegating tasks.

Habit #3: Avoid Procrastination
It is an obvious, procrastination is ‘Thief of Time’. It is one of the things that awfully affects productivity. It not only robs you of your time but your energy as well. It should be avoided always especially in both your career and personal life.

Habit #4: Task Scheduling
Scheduling equals planning. And “anyone who fails to plan, plans to fail” says a great philosopher. Get your personal planers, notebooks or smart phones out and list all the tasks that come to your mind. Draft a simple ‘To Do’ list before the start of the day. Then prioritize your listed tasks and make sure they are achievable or rather attainable.

Habit #5: Do One Thing at A Time
Avoid multi-tasking where necessary. Most of us think multi-tasking is an efficient way of getting things done but the truth is we do better when we focus and concentrate on one thing. Effort your attention on one task and get it done before your start a new task.

Habit #6: I Know It Already
.... Lean not unto thine own understanding” [Proverbs 3:5]. Most of us try to appear as if we know what we are doing. The awful and folly mindset of ‘I know it already!’ Get rid of the ‘Know-it-all’ attitude and get learning. (Do read the full blog on this title from my list)

Habit #7: An Early Start
Research notes that most successful men and women have one thing in common. They start their day early as it gives them time to sit, think and plan their day. During early mornings, one is calm, creative, and clear-headed. As the day progresses, your energy levels drop drastically which inhibits productivity.

Habit #8: Learn to Say No.
Some people can be so nagging at times. But don’t fall for their spells. Politely refuse to accept additional tasks if you think that you’re already overloaded with work.

Habit #9: Set a Deadline
When your task is at hand, set up a realistic deadline and stick to it. Get to challenge yourself and meet the deadlines. And in fact, reward yourself for meeting a difficult challenge.

There you have it! Good luck with the ‘THINK86400’ campaign and skyrocket your productivity.